Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fig. 84. Cat - Skeleton On a Framed Mirror

Etsy is stressing me out! I still haven't "gone live" with my shop because of all the pictures to be taken and descriptions that need to be written. And I'm only starting with about 20 items. I'm new to it so it's probably taking me twice as long as you vets, but man can it be time consuming! And brain-wracking trying to come up with exciting and fun words!

So I'm taking a break from it for the rest of the night and I'll show you another piece I'm listing on the eventually-to-be-open Lovely Beasts Etsy shop.

I took the skeletal drawing of a cat from the 60's Anatomy Manual I've been using and modpodged it to a vintage gold-framed mirror. The mirror was a tray and still can be, but it also can make a really fun and interesting wall hanging!

Love the Beasts,

1 comment:

  1. Very cool, perfect for October! Good luck with your Etsy, I hope it is successful! Andrea @ townandprairie
