Saturday, April 23, 2011

Runs in the family

Happy Easter everyone! I may have some exciting news for you all soon, but I'm going to keep you in suspense a little longer. Check in sometime over the next few days to find out all about @#$%&*&%#$%@. And no, those aren't swears. It's a secret code that only I know. MUAHAHA!

Now back to my real post. We love painting furniture in my family! My sister-in-law, Marygrace, recently painted the bureau I gave her and she turned it into a beauty. When I first got it, it was white and all chipped up. At the time, I re-painted it white and painted over the brass knobs with light purple paint. It didn't look great, but it was an improvement. Now Marygrace has painted the bureau a rose color and bought matching knobs to replace the brass ones (I think they might be porcelain). It's so lovely! I wish I could have kept some more of my furniture before we moved, but it makes me equally happy to see it loved by other family members.

Also, I'd like to send out a VERY BIG THANK YOU to Lisa at Fern Creek Cottage for her awesome Red Crowns Giveaway. I just received it this week in the mail and was so excited to open it. Thankfully, I had enough sense to stop and take pictures of her beautiful packaging job first.

I love the tin and burlap bag! Thanks again Lisa! Please stop by Fern Creek Cottage to see her projects and pictures of her wonderful home when you get a chance.


  1. I'm glad you got it! I can't wait to see what you do with the burlap sack!! Whatever you do it will turn out great like all your other projects! :)

  2. I really like the color that Marygrace painted the bureau. One day, I am going to be brave and paint my furniture! Love the tin. What are your plans for the burlap bag?
